15 Aug Productive Workday: 7 Tips to Success
Do you have an endless to-do list during the workday and you never get all items checked off the list? There is so much to get done during your workday and you are pulled in 10 different directions. It can be discouraging when all of your tasks aren’t marked off by 5 o’clock. In this blog, you will learn some tips and tricks so you can have a productive workday every day.
Pick out Your Outfit the Night Before
When your alarm clock rings in the morning you should go ahead and get up instead of pressing snooze 3 or 4 times. I know it is hard but the more time you have in the morning will allow you to get more done. You don’t want to waste time in the morning having to go through your clothes and figure out what you’re going to wear. When you prepare your clothes the night before you save precious time the next morning.
Plan Your Day the Night Before
We know the experts say every minute spent in planning saves you 10 minutes in execution. To help you become more productive you should know the specific task you should be working on at any given time. Planning one week ahead will allow you to know what is to come and will save a ton of time. Plan using a system that works.
Master to-do list
You should only have one to-do list and it needs to be your master to-do list. This master list will contain all the tasks you need to do. It is important to keep the master list updated so you don’t miss a task.
Prioritize your Master List
Decide which tasks are most important and time sensitize. Work down your task starting with what needs to get done first. This will help you focus on what needs to be done first.
Get up Earlier
It has been said people are most productive the first 2 hours after they get up. So, the first part of your day should be spent on your high-priority tasks. Another benefit of getting up earlier is that you get a head start and you will most likely be in a quiet work environment. Improved mental health also comes from getting up earlier. What’s not to love about getting up early now?
Make Yourself Unreachable at Work
Yes, that is correct you will be successful in marking items off your list when they aren’t getting interrupted. Book a meeting room so you can be isolated from others. I know it is fun to chat with coworkers and hear about weekend plans but if you have a lot to get done work alone. If that isn’t possible use headphones to cancel out noise from others.
Contact Us
Now that you know how to have a productive workday, why not purchase your dream office? Here at Tanglewood West, we offer customizable and spacious offices. Come for a tour today and get all your questions answered by our staff. We can’t wait to help you pick out your office.